środa, 18 marca 2015

Robocraft Wielkie Zmiany!

W robocrafcie zajdą wielkie zmiany, które jak myślę przyniosą nam lepsze emocje i frajdę z gry.

Przedstawiam wam kawałek artykułu, a resztę możecie znaleźć ---> TUTAJ

Huge Meta Changes Are Coming


…going to be Respawned, Overclocked, Supercomputers Engaged and is Going Supernova.


We are undergoing some enormous ground-shaking pants-wetting changes to the Robocraft metagame and since the changes are BIG and will be released in 3 separate launches we wanted to share them with you up front.


Robocraft’s current meta is a game where “when you get killed you are out” and we are changing this to “when you get killed you will respawn, until the team wins or loses”. This is a key and fundamental change and there is a lot more to it than simple re-spawning, but put simply, respawning provides the foundation for the rest of the new meta.

NB: When you die, you will wait in Spectator Mode for a period of time before respawning


To win, your team will need to destroy the enemy’s Protonium Crystal. The Protonium mining rod is surrounded by Protonium Crystal deposits shaped like ‘truncated octahedrons’. Protonium is the rare source of power that E14 and the CF-Alliance are fighting over on Mars and elsewhere in the Milky Way.


When the protonium crystal is completely destroyed, the mining station will go Supernova, your team will win and the battle will be over.


This is the Fusion Shield. It is a large dome shield that protects your team’s Protonium Crystal.

The Fusion Shield has some amazing properties:

  • Everyone can drive through the shield, both Allies and Enemies
  • Allies can shoot through the shield, but enemies cannot
  • Enemies can only damage the Protonium Crystal by getting inside the shield
  • Allies inside the shield will be constantly automatically Nano healed
  • The shield will automatically de-activate if the game is not completed within 15 minutes so both teams Protonium Crystal will become a lot more vulnerable at this point
  • When inside the Fusion Shield you cannot earn Clock Cycles by shooting enemies outside (to prevent Rails camping in their base and getting easy Clock Cycles from fliers)

This is a Fusion Tower. Fusion Towers supply power to the Fusion Shield and also feed the team more clock cycles over time (more on ‘Clock Cycles’ below).

The Fusion Towers are blue or red depending on which team owns them. You can capture an enemy team’s tower by destroying the small deposits of Protonium in the top of the tower. Once destroyed it will respawn in the color of the opposite team. The towers have mushroom canopies to protect the Protonium from long range bombardment and rail attacks from high terrain points and have a hole in the top so bombing runs are still possible.

Some information on Fusion Towers:

  • There are 4 Fusion Towers in each map, two start owned by the blue team and two start owned by the red team
  • Each team can capture the other teams towers
  • When all 4 Fusion Towers are captured, the enemies Fusion Shield will be de-activated. Capturing a Tower back again will re-enable the shield
  • When a Fusion Tower is captured, all allies waiting to respawn will respawn together at the same time instantly (allowing a losing team to capture a tower and get back into the game)
  • Each Fusion Tower will have a Fusion Barricade connected to it. Barricades are like small Fusion Shields but are not domes but more like barricades and cannot heal. You can shoot through them, but enemies cannot. This allows you to capture a Fusion Tower and gain a new more advanced defensive position. It also creates a great extra role for fliers who can easily shoot over the top of Fusion Barricades


A new widget in the bottom left of the HUD will show the status of a new feature called the ‘Overclocker’. This feature is simple but is a game changer.

As you do damage, get kills, get assists, heal, scout, spot and damage Protonium in a battle you will gain a new type of points called ‘Clock Cycles’. As you gain Clock Cycles the progress bar of the Overclocker will increase, and when it gets to 100% you will Level Up your Overclocker. Each time you Level Up your Overclocker your Robot will get more powerful. Your weapons will start doing more damage, your thrusters will deliver more thrust, your wheels will get faster, all functional components on your Robot will be buffed. This way the end game gets more exciting and attacking the enemies Protonium Crystal becomes easier...

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